21 days Light of Life
Publicerad 30 november, 2021
If you have been feeling that the world seems dark and darker still, then this gift is especially for you. I am inviting anyone who wishes to join me on a 24 day Light Level Up Calendar starting December 1st. I truly believe that WE need to BE the light in this world. That is how we create a Light Filled Life. WE are the Light bearers and WE cannot change darkness with more darkness. WE cannot transmute sadness with sadness, anger with anger or despair with more despair. WE have to change the energy frequency in ourselves to bring about any lasting or healthy change into our world.
Everything is Energy.
That is why becoming a light onto ourself, healing ourself, freeing ourself is such a powerful act in the world.
By shining my own spiritual light brighter for the next 24 days, I invite you to join me whenever you can to nourish your own flame through these prayers, meditations and multi-dimensional connections.
This is my seasons greetings gift to you, saying thank you to all your support as students and customers, your love and friendship in the year that has been and looking forward to a magnificent 2022 that WE create together with Source Energy.
On this webpage you can see the day by day calendar. Most of the events do not require booking in advance. You can decide spontaneously on the day.
There are Prayer Circles, Lunar Portal Meditations, Galactic Party and Trance Mission Q&A Sessions scheduled.
In the Prayer Circles, I will be chanting prayers and mantras from both the Western and Eastern spiritual traditions. When I chant out loud I very easily enter the Trance Mission Meditative State and when this happens the prayers take on their own profound energy exchange. I am blessed by this experience and everyone receiving is given healing, guidance and deep relaxation into meditative states through the process.
The Lunar Portals and Galactic Party have their own Event Info (see below) and the Q&A sessions are a new plan to receive further understanding from our beloved Higher Dimensional Guides on subjects that we are not yet clear enough on from previous trance mission communications. Welcome to any of the 24 day calendar events that resonate with you, and welcome to share them with anyone who you feel needs this gift this season.