Required Reading for April 2nd
Good to Know about Energy Mastery
Working with Energy
When working with Subtle Energy and Multiple Dimensions we have to put this into the context of “we do not really know all and cannot know all about IT”.
The “IT” too is constantly evolving and changing with the expanding Universe. Therefore we can only hope to deepen our direct experience of different energies and moment to moment sense ability of energy. The Field is SO HUGE.
There are however “known” experiences that we can then compare our own with. Certain energies have known “signatures”. We can come to recognise what those signatures are and apply them to our energy mastery journey.
What I know now
We are all constantly evolving. This means that I am only able to share what I know now and not necessarily what is an absolute truth or a forever-applicable practice.
Everything I write about or speak about in my Courses are:
- based on my own direct experience of many years of working with either my own techniques received through my Guides and Spiritual Team over the years
- or evolved through experience of practicing and teaching already known Spiritual Practices and Teachings that I have studied through books, other teachers and/or received from my Guru Kriyaji.
If I do not specifically state the Source of the techniques or concepts then I am speaking of my own experience and direct knowing. Of what I know now. I will always clearly state when something has been downloaded by myself or what is already given through other Sources and has come my way through my studies and teaching experience.
Please take this into consideration when you are studying with me and stay open to your own Spiritual Guides showing you directions that are unique and suitable to your Path. I stay open to that my own known “truths” will evolve and change as my own expansion and mastery continues. I also teach in a way that encourages you to discover and uncover your own direct experience of Energy and it may not necessarily correspond to what I describe or what is “known” about those energies today by others.
We have to stay open to what will flow through your unique Consciousness Connection to Source.
We can compare notes on what we sense and be open to experiences that are not yet within our knowing.
This makes teaching about Energy both complex and extremely exciting.
It is not “anything goes”.
An Energy experience, when “correct or true” has a tangible result to our sense ability and can be experienced by those around us as well as ourselves. Therefore we will be able to mirror to each other if something is aligned within our Connection to Source or if we are “off”.
I hope to be this mirror for you during my Courses to the best of my current ability. With the understanding some things simply may not be within what I now know and that does not negate experiences you may have. To address this I always apply the method of seeing patterns of experiences. If it is not immediately clear and if it happens just once or twice it may not be anything to spend time on. If an experience repeats itself over time and practice then it starts to become more interesting to spend time and energy in understanding what it is.
Read about
- the “Bodies” here:
- Read about the Aura here:
Sense - I will be using the term “sense” when we speak about Energy. Here I am referring to the ability to hear, see, feel, know, and smell energy.
We are each unique in our composition of how our intuition and sense-abilities work. Some of our senses are more developed than others, and we can all develop all of our senses that lead to psychic abilities and energy mastery. Our natural abilities in these areas also often lead us to certain fields of work, career, activities.
Telepathic communication, intuition and other forms of communication between Humans as well as Humans with other Beings in this or other Dimensions can take place through any of these Claires or Senses.
So when I say “Sense” it means however you might be receiving the information.
Example: If I say “Sense into the Golden Light Energy”.
You might see it, hear it, taste it, feel it or just know it is there. Or the experience of the Energy may come to you through a mixture of these 5 senses.
If you are new to this way of meditating then I recommend not getting too caught up in “what” sense-ability you are using or trying to figure out what sense to use.
Be open, relaxed and be in wonder of what you might experience.
Then if the experience is visual, auditory etc… make note of it. Over time you can get a sense ( pun intended ! hihi ) of what your primary sense ability is, as this will be the one that most often shows up in your meditation experience.
Also some types of communication might always show up in one way for you. Other types of communication may show up in many different ways for you. Therefore over time you will see patterns in how you understand and experience certain types of energy. This will build on your inner knowing of what is what. I might describe a meditation and you might sense it very differently to my description. Stay open to that and keep notes on reoccurring patterns of experience in your energy meditations so we can discuss them and explore the message behind these.
If you do not sense anything at first, do not be discouraged. It only takes practice and if you do not sense anything have patience with yourself. It could simply be that you need more time or that the particular technique we are exploring does not attract your natural sense abilities. We will surely find other techniques for similar purpose that fall more naturally into your current sense-ability.
From my Yogic Study background I would also like to add this. These psychic abilities are either things you are born with or gain/train as a product of Spiritual Practice. It is not the goal or the end post of the spiritual journey.
ClaireAudience - Clear Hearing
an auditory, sound based sense ability - tendency to take in information verbally, hearing things out loud or music
ClaireSentience - Clear Feeling
a feeling sense ability through emotions or other indicators such as chills, goosebumps, gut feeling - tendency to take in information emotionally, empathically
ClaireVoyance - Clear Seeing
a visual sense ability, inner eye/third eye visions, vivid dreams - tendency to take in information visually
ClaireAllience - Clear Smelling
a smell sense ability with heightened awareness through the nose
ClaireGustance - Clear Tasting
a taste bud sense ability with heightened awareness through the tongue
ClaireCognizance - Clear Knowing
a sense of knowing things, heightened awareness of now and future timelines, ability to cognise information without education or learning and understanding things suddenly
These are the commonly recognised "Claires” that are developed through spiritual practice or by natural born gifts that we come into this world with.
The ones we are born with are often the results of previous incarnations and abilities. For some of us our multi-dimensional abilities of past lives do not come online from birth and may then become activated later on in life through practices or other spiritual events.
We are all multi-dimensional and therefore we are all inherently psychic and sense-able and have access to all the Claires. It is only a matter of discovering in what areas we are naturally sense-able and how much we are sense-able in those areas. It is only a matter of practicing and developing areas that are not as strong within our Claire’s - if we should desire to develop our psychic abilities and spiritual connections.
In this course it is my wish you that you discover where your natural sense-ability lies and to enhance those abilities, as an improvement in one area gives greater opening in others. Also I wish for you to discover areas of sense-ability you would like to develop further and how to do this.