Reading material for June
Multi-Dimensional Energy Management Basics
We are all multi-dimensional. In order to understand our human experience in the 3rd Dimension we oftentimes need to incorporate our multi-dimensionality into the picture.
- If you are struggling with weight loss - the explanation may not only be a physical/medical one based on hormones or diet or physical constitution.
- If you are burnt out - the explanation may not only be that you have overworked your resources at work, home, relationships - it may not even mean that you have very little energy as a Being
- If you are having lots of strange thoughts and feelings - it may not just be that you have habits or negative thinking that you need to shift
There are many other energetic reasons for our experiences and most of them, due to the complexity of dimensions, we are almost never aware of.
There are things we can do to rule out many of these “unknowns” and also to then get to better “know” the energies that are relevant to our Energy Field. We can learn to master these as well as expand our energy sense-ability as Multi-dimensional Beings. It simply results in more Life and Good Living here on the Earth Plane.
I have created a set of Guidelines from my own energy management practices over many years. If you live your life easily and smoothly without any hindrances to how you wish to be, then these tips are probably not going to help you much. You might have a look through them to see if you are already doing some of these things and may affirm to you why you find life so easy! Yes - these things do make life easier - especially if you are very sense able to energy. This is particularly useful to those who are empaths or high sensitive. I have my own term for this. I call it Sense Able or High Sense Able or having High Sense Abilities. Sensitivity tends to have a negative meaning or value in our modern 3rd Dimensional existence. Whereas in the world of Multi-Dimensional Being this very sensitivity is a Gift. I choose therefore to call it a Sense-Ability as we are all Sense Able and when we train our multi-dimensional gifts we become ever more Sense-Able, Empowered and Sovereign. All Good Things.
Having a High Sense Ability requires skills in daily life in order to make our journey on Earth a more pleasant experience. These guidelines are a basic foundation towards this goal. Whether you already consider yourself highly Sense Able or whether you are on the road to becoming more Sense Able through your spiritual development it is my wish that these guidelines will support you in tuning in and tuning up your energy management.
For those of you struggling with your energy and daily life, I sincerely hope that these guidelines alone will create massive foundational shifts in how you experience your Self and that your life experience improves as a result of these simple guidelines.
The following Guidelines are to be used when:
- you feel that you are not able to live your life in the way that you wish due to your energy Sense Ability - i.e for empaths, sensitives or hyper sensitives, those suffering from burn-out or similar energy drain and nervous system overload situations
- there are phases in your spiritual practice where you feel greater vulnerability or fragility in your state of being
- you are an energy worker/healer/light worker who needs to have clear energy boundaries
- you need tips for basic Spiritual Energy Management and Hygiene
- you feel a desire to level up your personal energy and energy boundaries
- you interact with others and in many different environments regularly and you find it affects your energy in a way that you do not like or want
Personal Hygiene
- Wash hands more often
- Wash face more often
- Brush teeth more often
- Shower and change clothes more often
- Take baths regularly (Epsom or other salts, essential oils, herbal)
- Keep your outdoor clothes separate from your indoor clothes
- Keep your bedroom free of outdoor clothes, electronics and “work” energy
- Keep your living spaces free of the energy carried by your outdoor self - shower and change clothes when arriving home, do not use your outdoor clothes and energy in your home/living space
- take a shower or bath before bed/sleep (especially if you have been out and about before bed)
- take a shower/bath in the morning after sleep especially if there has been heavy energy work during the night or your sleep has been affected
- spend time regularly in natural outdoor environments for positive energy clearing and strengthening of your auric field (being in the elements of air, water, earth, sun/light)
- shower/bathe and change clothes after being out and about meeting many people and/or different environments, and/or working with energy work clients in person or online.
- if you have been speaking a lot or around someone else who has been speaking a lot, brush your teeth
- if you have been eating with others or in public spaces brush your teeth
- brushing teeth after main meals in general is a good practice
- spend time in silence and without outer stimulation daily in order to rebalance your energy field
Home Environment / Work Environments
- Keep your home environment regularly cleaned and aired (especially if many others are in and out of your home regularly)
- Keep a separation of outdoor energy (in the form of clothes and things and your own energy field when you have been out and about and interacting with many people or environments or public transportation etc….
- When you have guests make sure you clean and clear the space after so it returns to your own energy / a clear space
- Pay attention to areas in your home/office that are rarely used. Shift the energy in those places every now and then to create flow.
Spiritual Self
- daily self-practice
- activating and working with energy boundaries and shields
- having energy cleaning and clearing techniques for personal use and for spaces such as sage, palo santo, incense, frankincense and myrrh,
- using crystals, music and other sound healing tools, sacred geometry, energy sprays, and other energy management tools in your spaces to lift/raise the vibration in your spaces
- creating energy shields and boundaries for your spaces and belongings
Clothes and Colours
Colours have energy. Darker colours like black can be difficult to master. The type of energies that are drawn to the darker range of colours can be difficult to master, clear and maintain. This can take more energy from you than is helpful or healthy and hinder you from your work. If you have a lot of low energy issues, or difficult energy issues observe your wardrobe and the range of colours that you often surround yourself with and make changes and experiment.
Test using lighter colours and all natural materials on your clothes and living environment materials and see if this change affects your moods, energy levels, creativity and life force.
What is yours and what is not yours
These tips will help you become clearer about what is your energy and what is not yours. Often times we spend too much time and energy analysing ourselves and our experiences (I feel drained, I feel tired, I feel so weird or bad or sad or angry or troubled etc…) without knowing for sure if we are dealing with our own energy or other people and situations.
It is very important to master and manage what is ours and take responsibility for it. Yet not everything we experience is ours. Therefore it is my recommendation for Energy Workers and Sense Able beings to always make sure to use this check list and guidelines BEFORE attempting to read repetitive or re-occurring energy experiences and patterns in one way or another or in trying to determine what to do about it. Make sure these basic guidelines are in use first and regularly and then move on to any further “analysis” of an energy experience.
If after applying these tips and guidelines, both in the short term and over a longer period of time (i.e 1 year), if you still find yourself unable to discern what is happening with you and your energy field then it can be useful to work with an experienced energy healer to go deeper.
As a High Sense Able/Energy Worker/Light Worker/Healer/Therapist etc… we can cut out on a lot of consuming processes that we may experience through our work and daily life. With better energy hygiene and understanding of how energy travels, gets stuck in places, clothes, our aura etc…we can make sure that we are actually working with our own energy and reading it accurately with the help of these simple guidelines.
Begin with the tips at the top of each list as they are the easiest and quickest changes to make.
Make changes gradually, so that you have time to adapt one small change at a time until it becomes a natural habit. Mark off the list what you already do regularly. Of what remains on the list - go slow and steady adding one or more tips to your routines in an easily accessible way into your current lifestyle. All energy changes have consequences. Even if the change is positive, to adjust to the new vibration can take time and you might even feel disturbed while you upgrade to the new habits. On the changes that feel challenging to you, move at a pace that suits your Being.
You might not sense why these practices are needed when you begin to apply them. Or you might find positive results, in adopting to these practices, instantly and that alone will be the proof of why it is needed in your life.
As your sense ability to energy grows you may feel that you then need these practices as a way of managing the type of vibration that you wish to surround yourself with. If you do not need the guidelines, on some days these steps or habits will naturally fall away. You will learn to discern when you need to follow them strictly and when you are able to let some drop.
You might not need all of the practices on these lists. Go with what resonates and what you feel is easiest to begin with for you and your unique circumstances of how you live.
Somethings might not be needed in all situations. You will learn to sense when it is needed and when it is not by making these guidelines a part of your practice.
If you have other things you do that I can add to this list for the benefit of future readers, please send them my way. Credit will be given where due and I will let these guidelines grow with our own expansion.
We can meet other people in our home or other environments and they will positively clean and clear us and our spaces. Those who have a higher vibration than ourselves will bring this gift to us. Therefore not all encounters with others is going to need cleaning and clearing from us. It depends.
These guidelines are for those situations where we feel we just need to get back to our own energy or when we feel /or we are not sure whether/something entered our home or energy field that needs to be cleared. Here I am speaking about karmas and de-charge, entities and more energy “stuff” that can linger in spaces where we interact and spend time. Not all of it is “negatively" charged. These guidelines are to ensure that anything that might be negatively charged receives a transmutation. If further negative charges remain after testing these guidelines then deeper energy readings may be needed.
These guidelines are simply to make things simpler. You can easier rule out what it is not, when you are trying to read what energy it actually is.
You will need to adapt these guidelines to your lifestyle and situations. If you need advise welcome to book a personal consultation to examine further how and where you can improve your energy management habits.