Homework Assignments due in March and April
Homework prep for class on April 17th
1) Practice the Aura Reading techniques using hands or just through meditative awareness. Scan your energy field from your side body and outwards and back in to the body. Practice during a short time only, moving on if nothing happens or registers in your sense ability.
Repeat this practice at least 5 times during the next two weeks, before answering the following.
1a) Do you sense a difference in the energy of your field from your physical body moving out to the outer edges of your field?
1b) Do you sense the boundary of where your Aura ends and where another energy in the space around you takes over.
1c) Are there re-ocurring significant experiences from this meditation after minimum 5 times of practicing the scans?
1d) send in any questions you have after 5 times by at latest April 15th
2) Practice the Pillar of Light Alignment and Grounding Technique
Practice during at least 5 minutes, then let it go if nothing happens or registers in your sense ability.
Repeat this practice at least 5 times during the next two weeks, before answering the following.
" I invoke the Pillar of Light"
" I call on the Pillar of Light"
" I draw the Pillar of Light"
"I invoke / I call on/ I draw etc... "the Pillar of Light to descend and surround me, align and ground me"
If my suggestion doesn't work for you then experiment with your own ways to "speak" to the Pillar of Light Energy, through sound, words, visualisation, silent commands etc...whatever feels the most "you" way of doing it - and to create the result of a Pillar of White Light surrounding your whole being, extending down from high above and anchoring below your being.
If you don't feel creative about it, use the invocation I have written above as a starting point, repeat and practice, and let it evolve over time for you.
2a) Take note of any reocurring experiences after at least 5 times of experimenting with this energy
2b) Send in any questions you have about this practice by latest April 15th.
Homework for May 7th (due April 20th) :
What Claires best describe your natural abilities based on the list on the previous page and from what you know about yourself today?
Can you name a few career paths that you believe a person with each of the above Claires would naturally be inclined towards.
How has your own natural sense-ability and Claire’s influenced your career choices in life?
Due March 20th
1a) Are you familiar with that you have Energy Bodies and an Aura? If yes, briefly describe, what type of experience you have with your Auric Field.
2) Meditate on the meaning of Alignment and Grounding.
What does alignment mean to you?
What does grounding mean to you?
Describe what it means to you in words, drawings or images.
Send it to me before the course starts if possible. No stress if you don’t manage it. You can do this assignment any time.
3) Do you do any Physical / Energetic Alignment Techniques at the moment?
If yes, what are they and in order of preference, in order of what works best for you?
4) Do you do any Grounding Techniques at the moment?
If yes, what are they and in order of preference, in order of what works best for you?