Homework Assignments for May due May 7th
In preparation for the class on May 7th.
Practice the Bubble of Light Protection / Shield Meditation.
1. Visualise a white bubble of light 10 cms above the crown of your head.
2. Slowly move the bubble through the head and midline to the heart chakra center
3. Once it is clearly estabished there, expand the bubble of light out into the Aura until you are competely surrounded by a Bubble of White Light.
4. Stay in this energy meditation for a few moments sensing and being.
5. Take notes on your experience.
6. If you practice at least 5 times and have a repeating pattern of experience, send it in before class for me to review.
Continue to practice the Pillar of Light and the review questions on Reading the Aura and the Pillar of Light from the section on April homework at your lesiure and pleasure.