June 26th Video

Summary Notes:

On todays session I requested that when you send in questions for the sessions to reflect on:

"is knowing this important to my immediate expansion and growth and understanding of consciousness."

And if yes then please do ask the question. I will do my best to answer if I am able :-D.

The reason I say this is because this is such a vast subject that we could get lost in details that are not really relevant to ones immediate practical use and understanding or for the groups common terminology and understanding of subjects during the Light Guides Course. Even if the topics are super interesting they may not be very useful right now.

I say this also to make the most of our live time on sessions where I can concentrate on the material that will be needed to get a foundation for the topics we will be exploring on the course as well as to be able to do more energy experiments - where we have time for you to experience different energy signatures and learn to read them.


Practices: We briefly discussed the methods of "Where Am I?" and "I AM Here" as ways to read energy. We also spoke briefly about Speaking to Energy as if we were speaking in the 3D with what is visible. I will be working with these themes on the next session in greater depth. To be continued..


Based on questions received after the first session on Module 1 this class was primarily a Q&A.

Here are the questions reviewed on this video:




  • You described different levels of consciousness(es), first in relation to where we stand ourselves (higher or lower in relation to where we are ourselves), but then you went on and described different levels of consciousness in relation to the big Consciousness itself. I understand that everything is certainly not about us, but how can they be separate? To be more to the point, how could a being even become enlightened and self-realised if they are separate? And if everything is Consciousness (which we are part?)



  • What consistutes inanimate things? Is wood that is part of a piece of furniture an element or an inanimate object for example? Everything comes from nature in one form or the other, when is something no longer inanimate?



  • Can there be other beings part of the third dimension even though they don't have an embodiment?


  • Are dimensions built on each other? (You said entities from higher dimensions have access to lower dimensions. But are let's say the 6th dimension as "physical" as the 3rd, it's just we can't see it?)


  •  The 5th dimension we can physically embody here on earth in everyday life, as I understand it.
  • a.     Is it possible to and what would it mean to embody 6th, 7th etc. dimensions in the physical body? 
  • b.     Can we through any of our subtle bodies, experience and interact with higher dimensions that the 5th while awake and interacting with everyday life and not when meditating?
  • c.     How is this then experienced?
  • d.     In what way can this be beneficial for us and people we serve in everyday life?




  •  When we dream and from a spiritual perspective, are we always experiencing different timelines or dimensions of ourselves to fully integrate an experience, or is our mind only organizing our 3D experience as science says it does?
  • In terms of night time dreaming, is that our travels in the astral? or some, a mix... like some just processing from the day and some may be astral lines / experiences?



  • Is each body related to a different dimension or do bodies share dimensions?
  •  is it possible to correlate to some degree the bodies and dimensions? Like D1-D3 is directly connected to physical (and maybe etheric) D4 /D5 to astral and emotional and so on...? 
    or is this far too simplistic / limited and each body has capacity across all dimensions?!



  • Does grounding kill off energy (you ended with Grounding Tree after you had gone through all the different dimensions)?


  • Statement: Knowing that we live in many different time lines at the same time as here and now (as there is no time), it is vital (or very helpful) for us and our consciousness (in 3D reality), to tap into our "past and future lives" by ourselves or with hypnosis help, to be able to fully understand why we for instance, feel, do or are experiencing what we are experiencing. Does this make sense?