Homework July

Homework and Key Focus


Ante Kharana Meditations

- meditating on the Higher Self Connection

- meditating on the I AM Presence Connection

Take notes on any recurring experiences when you make these meditations.


Practices: We briefly discussed the methods of "Where Am I?" and "I AM Here" as ways to read energy. We also spoke briefly about Speaking to Energy as if we were speaking in the 3D with what is visible. I will be working with these themes on the next session in greater depth. To be continued..



No due date:

Reflect on where and how you have been multi-dimensional in your life reflecting back on where you might have experienced other dimensions and / or expanded consciousness experiences up to now.

Perhaps there are experiences you did not realise were signs of your multi-dimensionality that you can now review and understand as part of your / our human natural multi-dimensional Being.



Life Journey Practice

- observing ones own relationship to Religion and Spirituality. Where, if any, belief systems/conditioning/experiences have formed resistance or blocks to your connection with Spirit and Spirituality, God, Spiritual Teachings, Religious practices and so on...

- observing when those blocks dissolve and change our perception over time and with the evolution of our spiritual sadhana/practice