Intro and August Session
Level 1: Part 2 Chakras
Aug-Oct 2023
LG1:2 August 7th, Monday, 6-8 pm
LG1:2 August 20th, Sunday, 4-6 pm
LG1:2 September 3rd, Sunday, 4-6 pm
LG1:2 September 11th, Monday, 6-8 pm
LG1:2 October 1st, Sunday, 4-6 pm
LG1:2 October 16th, Monday, 6-8 pm
Overview of topics:
- Going deeper into sensing and reading your own Aura and the 4th Dimensional 7 Chakra System of your own being. We will meditate on Colour, Sound and other Characteristics as well as Chakra Communication. We will study each of the 7 Chakras experientially over several months.
- If time permits, we will explore the 5th Dimensional 12 Chakra System and connecting to the Crystalline Grids of Earth and to the Galactic Portals. If not this aspect of the program will be moved to Level 2 Chakras Course.