August 13th Video


The first hour: Recap of past practices and further talks on speaking to energy and how to practically apply the tools in every day life

The second hour: 

Practice of Where am I and Here I am meditations and discussions

Practice of Higher Self Connection and I AM Presence Connection

Discussions of Distance and Direction of energy in reading energy

Speaking of Oscars question on purging and how to know whether we are purging or whether it is a negative energy entering our field - putting this into the context of energy and directions of energy when we are reading our field...

The last hour:

A guided Ante Kharana Alignment meditation and discussions

Further discussions on Distance and Direction of Energy in reading energy

Further discussions on the techniques and what can be applied for meditation and energy work for others and in brief how to approach working for others based on Anna's question about the Violet Flame


As mentioned on the Course today: 

We will not be adding any further techniques during the D&C module, we will continue to practice what we have so far studied and also if you have questions on anything I spoke about today, please send them to me a week in advance of the next and final D&C session August 28th. This last session will also be 3 hours.
